‘It took the time that it took’: Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man producers explain why it’s taken so long for the Marvel TV show to be released on Disney Plus

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Olivia Smith
Sat, 01 Feb
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The producers of the show “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” have clarified the reasons behind the delay in its release. Despite the global pandemic and Hollywood strikes in 2023 affecting other Marvel projects, the delay for this show was due to final touches and distribution issues rather than external factors. The show, set to debut on Disney Plus, was completed in mid-2024 after a three-year development timeline. Initially intended to be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it shifted away from being a prequel to the Spider-Man movies featuring Tom Holland. The extended development time allowed for improvements and adjustments, ensuring a high-quality final product. The show is set to premiere on January 29, offering a unique approach and potentially sparking discussions about its animation style. Fans of Spider-Man and Marvel content can look forward to experiencing this new series soon.


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