As of January 15, 2025, Adobe will discontinue its 20GB storage tier for the Creative Cloud, aiming to push users towards more expensive yearly subscriptions. The 20GB Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan, targeted at hobbyists and professional editors, provides access to popular tools like Photoshop and Lightroom. Existing users can keep their subscriptions, but at a higher cost. In the US, the 20GB plan will rise from $9.99 to $14.99 monthly, representing a 50% increase. The 1TB plan for both Photoshop and Lightroom remains at $19.99 monthly. In Japan, the 20GB plan will also see a price increase. Users currently paying 1,180 yen per month will be charged 1,780 yen upon renewal post-January 15, 2025. Those not subscribed by this date will lose the option. However, the annual lump-sum payment option remains unchanged. Adobe will offer pro-rata refunds for users switching from the monthly to the annual plan. Interested in further recommendations? Check out some of the best photo editors and video editing software available, and find out more about Adobe’s latest AI-powered app for marketing teams.