Scammers have found a new way to target iPhone users by tricking them into enabling dangerous links through text messages. Despite Apple’s built-in scam protection tools, scammers are instructing victims to reply to their messages, thus reactivating the links. This tactic preys on people’s tendency to reply automatically, potentially exposing them to harm.
To stay safe, it is advised not to engage with unknown messages containing links. Ignoring and reporting such messages as spam is crucial to avoid falling victim to scams. If in doubt about a message’s legitimacy, it is best to contact the company directly through official channels. By refraining from replying or clicking on suspicious links, individuals can protect themselves from being targeted by scammers looking for active numbers.
In conclusion, vigilance and caution are key in dealing with unexpected messages, especially those claiming to be from official sources. Reporting suspicious texts and abstaining from interaction is the safest approach to prevent potential risks.